5 thoughts on “Can I take a gold necklace by plane”

  1. Gold necklaces can be taken by plane. Gold necklaces are not included in the scope of articles prohibited to be carried or checked by passengers

    aviation contraband mainly includes the following categories:

    first, guns and police equipment: various types of military and civilian guns, sports guns, hunting guns, signal guns, anesthetic injection guns, sample guns and realistic toy guns

    II. Ammunition and explosives: bombs, grenades, bullets, lighting bombs, training bombs, smoke bombs, explosives, fuses, detonators, detonators, detonators and other explosives and arson equipment

    III. controlled knives, daggers and three edge knives (including three edge scrapers for machining, spring knives with self-locking devices and other single edge, double edge and three edge knives belonging to controlled knives)

    IV. sharp or blunt tools other than controlled knives: kitchen knives, large scissors, large fruit knives, large dinner knives, handicrafts knives, swords, knives, spears, hairpins, halberds, sabres, swords, axes, short sticks, heavy or spiked walking sticks, iron headed climbing sticks, and other devices that are considered to endanger aviation safety

    v. inflammable and explosive materials: alcohol, kerosene, gasoline, nitroglycerin, ammonium nitrate, rosin oil, rubber water, paint, Baijiu (limited to one kilogram), butane liquefied gas tank and other bottled compressed gas and liquefied gas, phosphorus sulfide, flash powder, yellow phosphorus, nitrocellulose film, metal sodium, metal potassium, fireworks, firecrackers, etc

    VI. toxic substances: potassium cyanide, arsenic Toxic pesticides, chlorine, toxic chemical reagents, rodenticides and other organic and inorganic drugs

    extended data

    airport security check

    airport security check shall check the valid boarding ID, ticket and boarding pass of domestic flight passengers

    the types of valid passenger ID cards include: resident ID card, temporary ID card, officer card, armed police officer card, soldier card, military cadet card, military civilian cadre card, military retired cadre card and military staff card of Chinese passengers, travel documents of Hong Kong and Macao residents and Taiwan compatriots; Passport, travel card, diplomat card, etc. of foreign passengers; Other valid identification documents of CAAC

  2. There are no restrictions on taking gold necklaces by plane in China, and there is no requirement to take gold necklaces
    when carrying gold necklaces, jewelry, etc., there are relevant regulations only when entering and leaving the country:
    if the weight of gold jewelry carried or worn by passengers is less than 50g (including 50g; silver jewelry shall be controlled leniently accordingly), the customs will not take it as a key management, and it is not required to check and sign; If it exceeds 50g, it shall still be inspected and released according to the current relevant provisions

    therefore, if it is necessary to enter and exit the country, it is better to bring only a reasonable amount of jewelry. There is no problem with gold necklaces. It should be noted that it should not exceed 50g.

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